
happy birthday EVE Gigi

I have known Bart's Mom (aka Gigi) since the fall of 1994.
Over the 16 years I have been blessed to know her and call her Mom.
I celebrate her this week as she celebrates her birthday.
You know how I told you that my mom was the birthday queen...well I think Judy Garrett might be her match:)
Ever year we make her a calendar full of photos from the year.
She is easy to please!

This year we honor Mom and thank God for her example of love, grace, creativity, service, generosity and hard work.

We love you, Gigi!



I love mine.
I pray everyday that my girls will love theirs.
Miss Katie sent me a cd of all the fun wedding photos from
my little sister's wedding last summer.


Roll Tide

after almost 12 years of being married to Bart Garrett
today was a happy moment for us all.
His Crimson Tide finally won the National Title.
Wish I had video taped our Caroline watching it here...
Bart has her brainwashed already!
I can only imagine how amazing it was Bart and his Dad at the game live.

I realized a few years back that the old adage was right
"If you can't beat 'em....join 'em!"
I have done that with college football.
I have just decided to spend a day watching game after game.....eat the chips and salsa and enjoy every minute of it.
(I still don't like ribs, beer or the annoyingly loud and inappropriate commercials)
but fun nonetheless.

Roll Tide!