

our birthday getaway to carmel, ca...
24 hours instead of 48 because our youngest got a stomach bug and we headed home
we missed out on lunch at post ranch inn
but enjoyed one of the clearest and most beautiful drives on highway 1 down the california coast to big sur!

so grateful for Bart
my love and my dearest life partner

soccer, soccer and more soccer

This San Fran sunset is the only redeeming thing about Friday night soccer practice from 5-7pm!

Caroline (#6) joined a new team...the Sambas.
I think she enjoys having me as mom and not coach.
She is such a great team player, hustles every time and listens.

Clair is on her second year with the Fireflies. Coach Paul is so patient and helps the girls learn something new each week. This year they played four on four, so Clair Bear played her heart out each game...which of course meant rosy cheeks (like mom:)

Our front porch looks like a sports authority with all our soccer gear.
These girls played hard, but we are glad to be hanging up our cleats for a little break.
Now Daddy is preparing everyone for basketball season!

Pumpkin patch

Fun times with Constance, Scotty, Aunt Catherine and Cammie at the Pumpkin Patch.
Cameron went right to a pumpkin and picked the first one she liked!
If only she could pick out her clothes that simply:)


Visiting our state capitol

On a day off from school, the Garrett Girls made the trek to see Sacramento.
It was fun to visit the capitol.
Pretty amazing to think of the first pioneers who sailed from the east coast around south america and back up to the pacific...made their way into the bay and up the Sacramento River. It took about as much time as the settlers who came across the country with covered wagons. It gives you a new appreciation for the Wild, wild west!

History Club

The Gilbert Family is so fun to have down the street.
They are good enough to help us learn our world history every month.
It usually involves crafts, maps, food and some kind of dressing up.
Can you tell we just finished up the Middle Ages ???


Not only are we a house full of chicks
but we are trying to raise some on our block.

Our dear neighbor across the street, Carolyn, graciously shares her garden. We got a coop and now have several chickens. We have loved the fresh eggs that they lay everyday. We share some with our neighbors who put up with all the egg laying noises:)

Unfortunately, one turned out to be a rooster. We had to get rid of "Zipper"
Then a few months later our dear chicken Sugar died on Bart's birthday. There were many tears. We think she died from eating poisonous garden mushrooms.

Tomorrow we go to get two more chicks to add to our group of ladies.
We will see how this adventure unfolds.
As for now, we love the small scale urban farmer life.

Remembering San Fran

Giants Game in the city

Sometimes we get so busy that we forget that we live a quick 15 minute train ride from San Francisco!
Now that we have a sweet new babysitter that lives around the corner, we are trying to make more date nights out to enjoy our fun town.
This was a meal in the Embarcadero right on the bay.

Fabulous Fridays

With all the girls in school
And my part time work with Christ Church Kids at the front of each week
Bart and I are able to both take Fridays off!
This is our first Friday off to do a training run on Bart's favorite trail.
Now this is going to be fun after a decade break!

Cammie starts preschool!

It is hard to believe we have a 5th grader
2nd grader
and our last is started preschool!
Cammie decided to be called Cameron at school
She loves Rockridge Little School and her teacher Miss Jackie (just like her sisters)

In her words:
"I LOVE SCHOOL, but I just don't like rest time!"

Family Fun in CA

Constance turns 4! Princess party:)
We all dressed up!


Dear Friends...

Two of my Mom's dear friends came out to be with me this week while Bart was away.
They came to make us laugh, to take walks, to create art, to taste coffee from every shop in town and to remember my Mom. It has been 13 years since she left us. We looked at photos, retold stories and relived the wonderful memories.

This summer as I was with dear friends at Lake Martin, I realized that my loss is felt just as deeply today as it did all those years ago. I sense my deep need for guidance, love, wisdom and care from my mother. But God in his grace has gently met me along the way and given me the gift of dear friends. One friend gave me her own black dress and shoes to wear on the day I said goodbye. One friend prays in the middle of the night when I need her. One friend understands my missional heart. One friend listens to all the stories from my childhood. One friend loves my kids as her own. One friend remembers to days that feel hardest for me. One friend calls on my birthday at the time I was born, just like my Mom used to do. One friend leaves things at my doorstep. One friend takes my littlest girl on a date. All of these friends show me and my girls the love of Jesus.

Camps in Berkeley

After driving back and forth to Berkeley for the last 3 weeks for camps, I am grateful that I am not a crazy carpool mom....yet:) With our lives we do not have to get in the car very much.
But good times were had by all
at Cal Girls' Soccer Camp
Bay Area Children's Theatre Camp (Clair starred the Horse in the Animal Play)
Vacation Bible School at First Presbyterian Church

July 4th at Lake Martin

CAMP MARANNOOK - we love you!

Summertime fun with the cousins!


Here comes the bride...

Our dear friends just got married.
What a special wedding between a college buddy and new CA church friend.
Bart did the ceremony in our church and our kids were flower girls.
They loved every minute of the wedding and reception (Dancing!)
The week following they each took turns being the bride...


Our last to learn to ride

Bart, the Bike Teaching Extraordinaire....
Taught our last little one to ride a bike yesterday

I love that man:)


Making Lemonade out of Lemons!!!!

40 Days of Gratitude

For the next 40 days of Easter
we are trying to record our thanksgivings...

Clair's 7th birthday

Our Madelynn " Clair Bear" Garrett
Our joy
our chef
our artist
our jump roper
our giggler
and our emotional being

now on the top bunk
loving 1st grade
and learning who she wants to be

hard to believe she is been our girl for 7 years!

Raising Chicks

Trying our hand at being urban farmers:)

Here is one of our chicks:

Easter 2011

Celebrating Easter

(we loved our Ann Voskamp wreath and Easter Tree Devotional)

What a day for our family!

From the Redwood Forests...

Pretty remarkable to see these magnificent trees over time

it puts our little lives into perspective!

Jenner, CA

A few sweet days of rest with our girls over spring break.

Clair's poem about where the Russian River meets the Pacific Ocean

"River Blue"
River Blue
Row your canoe
across the sea
so you can see the beauty
river otters float
from side to side
the river flutters over the tide
the fog itself makes it cool to see
the birds flutter
over the fog and sea


Art of Worship

I have had these canvases for so long.
In the midst of our big clean out this weekend, I found more paints and supplies.
It was finally warm and sunny.
So we took the Sabbath to rest and create.
Painting time.
See the works of art...