I have parenting on my brain.
I have been reading up on the topic as Bart and I are hosting a parenting discussion at church on Saturday.
I just listened to a REALLY encouraging seminar on how it takes a city to raise a child by Tim Keller.
Being a parent has been one of the most humbling things I have done in my life.
Hard to believe we have been doing this for almost 9 years.
There are parenting moments when you want to quit. But tonight I had a redemptive moment with my sweet Clair. She was having a hard time listening and obeying. So she lost her privileges and was very angry. When it was time for bed, we were all thanking God for our day. But Clair refused. After we tucked everyone in, I leaned over her bed and rubbed her back. I asked her why she didn't want to pray. She said she was she was too upset.
I said: "Do you know that God loves you no matter what? Just like Mommy and Daddy love you so much?"
Clair: Yes.
Me: "Did you know you could tell God when you are angry or sad or happy?"
Clair: "But what do I say?"
Me:"Baby, you can tell God anything. Sometimes I just said, 'God help me'"
Clair: "Really?"
Me: "Yes, sweetheart, God loves you so much."
Her anger just melted with tears.
Then she said: "Momma, can flip over my pillow? It is wet with tears and snot.":)
what a precious story! thanks for sharing this! God, give us all wisdom!