
Is that so?

Well, this morning, we were moving slow.
Daddy gets up before the sun on the sabbath.
But the girls and I move more like snails.
Once we finally mastered the waffle maker and sat down to read from the gospel of John, one of my bright, honest daughters asked a question.
"Momma, do you read the Bible everyday?"
To that I responded, "I would like to."
Then another wonderfully honest child of mine said, "Daddy does! Daddy reads the bible everyday. He reads it like a good book."
Oh, my heart was so glad that these girls have their Daddy.
But it made me realize that the adage is true.
So much of what our kids learn from us is caught, not taught.

So with that I found a bible reading plan with bookmarks.
I hope to not only be a good example to my girls, but to have my heart changed.


  1. i love your heart and so does Jesus.
    i love your honesty and vulnerability.
    i love to watch you blossom as a mother and a child of God.
    i love you just as you are.
    precious in his heart and mine too.
    Miss Katie

  2. what a sweet day that was I am sure. Didn't know it was Caroline's first communion! Would love to hear more about it. love from here!
