

Caroline said that she never wanted to get her ears pierced. She thought she would be like Meemaw and just wear clip on's her whole life. So when she changed her mind, we said SURE! Wow. If all our pre-teen decisions/battles could be that easy:)
Here she is....all grown up looking. It makes me cry!


Millie Caroline

My Girl.
She's half way there.
Half way to 18!
Bart and I cannot believe we have crossed the threshold from the "Front 9 of Parenting to the Back 9"
We were retelling the beginning of her story at breakfast over scones.
We went to the hospital several times only to wait 5 days past her due date.
We called Gigi early on May 17th to say we were in labor and she hopped on a plane to Florida.
By 3:41 pm she arrived.
Our baby girl ( and grandma Gigi:)
She had those big brillant eyes....with her long eyelashes.
We knew even then she would be tall like her Daddy.
She is named for my sweet Mom, but cannot be more of a Garrett!
Caroline teaches us something every day.
She is an avid reader and a curious observer.
She is extremely thoughtful and very giving.
We tell the girls often, how blessed they are to have such a wonderful big sister.

Happy BIRTHday, Baby Girl.


Birthday Girl

My Clair Bear turned 6 this week.
It is truly hard to believe.
She still has the brilliant blue eyes and radiant smile (although a little forced in this photo) that she had on her first day of life. Her rosy cheeks and contagious giggle bring a lot of joy to our family. Clair can impersonate anyone. When reading a book aloud she has more inflection and energy than most thespians I know. Sometimes her drama can be taken to an extreme, especially when there has been an act of injustice. We have loved watching our little Madelynn Clair blossom into her own in Kindergarten. She is learning what it looks like to be a good sister and friend, how to express her own creativity, how to have self control and when to just laugh:) Clair is an exceptional reader, tenacious monkey bar climber, prolific artist, magnificent storyteller, expressive ballerina, and cuddly middle daughter.

We love you, Clair.